Norrod News

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
COVID-19 has affected a lot of people from singers, to business people, a variety of churches, families around the world, and individuals of every sort. Though we don't always understand everything taking place in Satan's Eden, let us take consolation in the joy that He, the Lord Jesus Christ, is our fortress and place of refuge. When the storm is raging on the outside, we can let off the pressure. All too often we tend to overthink and contemplate how we will survive from day-to-day. In the end, almighty God knows what we have need of, and if we leave it all in His hands, our hearts will be assured that "all is well."
I'll leave you with this final thought from Bro. William Branham and the Lord Jesus.
Bro Ben
05/13/62 Letting Off the Pressure, Jeffersonville, Indiana
95 No matter what takes place, Christ is our Refuge. And when we come to Him, we can let off the pressure. You can quit worrying about, "Well, if I die, what's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to the wife? What's going to happen to the husband? What's going to happen to the children?" Just come to Christ, and let off the pressure. All. He give us all things. All things are ours, by Christ, so just let the pressure off, the only one way you can do it.
Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.